HorseTouch -drumul spre performanță trece câteodată prin manejul de la Potcoava
Activitățile #HorseTouch sunt cu adevărat oportunități de conectare cu sine și cu ceilalți din echipă. Iar din conectare poți să ai acces la calea către cea mai bună opțiune pentru un anumit context de business, profesional sau personal. Drumul optim se deschide prin...
Provocări corporate – concepte de eveniment de 1 zi
Ne plac conceptele de eveniment îndrăznețe, făcute cu sens și mesaj. Și evident ne plac provocările. Așa că atunci când ni s-a cerut să ne implicăm în organizarea unui eveniment corporate cu 120 de participanți, răspunsul a fost DA, fără ezitare. Am propus un concept...
Horse Talk with Ionuț Popescu
Horse Talk with Ionuț Popescu Hi Ionuț, welcome to our new set of articles under the title Horse Talk. We intend to cover subjects from leadership to horse-guided education and other topics that pop up during Horse Touch events. These are your five questions:...
Horse Talk with Mădălina Vîntu Popa
Horse Talk with Mădălina Vîntu Popa Hi Mădălina, welcome to our new set of articles under the expressive title – horse talk – they do neigh loudly about what they care about, so we’ll try to do the same. We’ll have a set of 5 quick questions. Please use all your...
Thoughts on (re)defining team-building
Some thoughts on (re)defining team-building Many corporate teams selected us for their external meetings or team-building events, with or without Horse Touch. In our guests' words, what they were attracted to was how remote Potcoava is, the quality of food, and the...
Horse-guided leadership development over brunch
Horse-guided leadership development is a subject dear to us. This is why is a significant part of our recently finalised team-building activities offering (more than 8 modules to select from, with and without horses - check our corporate page for details:...